Harpooning Poop String

From 2speccers2tools wiki

While some populations of Hungry Poop String get with grabbing prey, others decided a better way to capture prey is to harpoon them. This is shown with the Harpooning Poop String, which have specialized cells in the colony that traded their flagella with cnidocytes that active the very moment something brushes up against them. Once they detect prey, these cells burst open with the stingers plunging into the victim causing massive damage. The Harpooning Poop String has also begun to absorb ambient amounts of spite and incorporating it into their tissues, specifically in the cnidocytes. Once the stingers are in the prey, they then inject high doses of spite into the prey which then causes the prey to quickly end itself if not immune. As the prey dies, the nutrients will then be eaten by the Harpooning Poop String while the cnidocyte cells begin to repair themselves to be ready for when more food comes by. The Harpooning Poop String has lost the ability to get energy from photosynthesis since the prey they catch and kill provide just as much nutrients energy if not even more than sunlight. They stack unto one another in long branching strands anchored to the substrate, with the non cnidocyte cells have a vestigial chloroplast of a brownish green color. They reproduce by fission, budding and can regrow the colony via fragmentation. they stretch in large fields across the seabed. Their ways of prey capture also acts as a great defense against predators, meaning they are primarily safe from being eaten for the most part, resulting in the species having their reproductive habits slowed down.